
Saturday, July 31, 2010

Sing bateta ni Khichdi (Peanut and Potato Khichdi) - Fasting dish

With the month of Shravan coming near, foodies will start looking for faral or fast recipes. This is one such easy preparation. It takes minutes to make and it is tasty, nutritious and filling. It is also one of my grandmothers favorite 'fast' recipes and since she fasted often this recipe is certainly tried and tested. My grandmother often used red chili powder in the recipe as well - I use green chilies this time, you can use either according to taste. Another variation in this is crushing the peanuts after dry roasting them. Since it is made to be eaten while fasting, use only peanut oil and avoid oils made from corn etc. The practice at my home is to use fresh oil and salt bought for cooking only during days of the fast. This dish carries well in the tiffin and pairs well with a side of yogurt. Hope you all make and enjoy this fast food. 

PS: Sorry for the long break in posting. I was visiting my parents in Mumbai and the combination of rains, moms home cooked meals and vada pavs kept me away from blogging. I hope to get back into rhythm quickly and post regularly.


3 large potatoes
1/2 cup peanuts, dry roasted and deskinned
1 teaspoon jeera (cumin seeds)
1 inch knob of ginger, chopped
1 tablespoon peanut oil
2 green chilies, chopped

Wash, peel and chop the potatoes into 7-8 mm cubes / rectangles(1/3 inch). Try to keep them of uniform size so they cook at the same time. Heat oil in a heavy bottomed vessel and when it heats up, add the jeera. When it crackles, add the chilies, ginger and potatoes. Stir to coat all the potatoes with the jeera and oil and cook them on low- medium heat until the potatoes are cooked. Cover the vessel while cooking as the steam cooks the potatoes faster. Stir halfway thru the cooking process. Add salt according to taste and stir well to evenly distribute the salt in the dish. Remove from heat and serve.


  1. Grt dish....One of my favourite....

  2. simple and quick kichidi.. luks delicious .. simply superb... if u find time visit my blog.. happy to follow ur blog

  3. My gujarathi friend told me about the shravan month and the fasting thing. This must be a perfect dish.

  4. what great use of seasoning!

  5. very delicious,luks fantastic.

  6. It looks like an easy dish :) Thank you for sharing :)

  7. CF, that looks wonderful, very new recipe for me :)

  8. This is new for me and looks yum...

  9. Nice one.. looks perfect.. thanks for sharing dear :)

  10. easy, delicious and satisfying dish..looks great!

  11. Quite new to me..

    Hey check out my giveaway post..

  12. Oh I love this combo, yummy yummy :))

  13. Good to see you back. That's a nice and simple dish. Cheers!

  14. Pottaoes and peanuts that sounds ravishing and yummy!!! An easy dish to make!!!

  15. this khichdi looks divine...very ideal for breaking fasts...u have a lovely space


  16. Great recipes u have here following ur blog. Pls check out mine at
    pls follow if you like it .Thanks

  17. Thats such a healthy and a delicious dish! Thanks for sharing!

  18. Simple and tempting. Great fasting recipe


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